Mark Jones Consulting
Experience Worth Leveraging
At Mark Jones Consulting, our lead
consultant provides over 25 years of sales, management, training and
consultancy insights into helping your business reach its maximum
potential. We seek to supplement your resources rather than replace
them, and we don’t prescribe to a “one size fits all” approach or
An initial consultation by Zoom or Teams can help
understand your issues and opportunities and narrow down where we can
add value. Much of our work can also be delivered in the same manner,
particularly where social distancing measures make traditional meetings
more challenging.
Typical areas we can bring external expertise and benchmarking include:
Sales Process Design
Building from scratch or helping you get themost out of platforms like
Pay and Benefits Review
Making sure that your offering is properlyaligned to attract and retain the best talent.
Defining Your Companies Culture
Looking at what you have to offerin terms of both ‘hygiene factors’ and ‘motivators’ and thenaligning these with your recruitment approaches to ensure best fit andhigh retention rates.
Talent Management and Development
helping you benchmark your topperformers and creating a pathway to retain and develop them.
Effective onboarding allows you to either widen or target your gene pool of potential talent depending on your businesses specific needs.
Key Features of Mark Jones Consulting